Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Postcard Advertising!

I already know for a fact that I want the post-card to be vertical. I've been playing around a lot with this image that I took (and LOVE) and experimented with a variety of titles and fonts and so forth. I'm still very unsure of what I exactly want on the front/back and which side should go where. Should one side be the teaser/message and the other side an official poster? Or perhaps one side is the teaser/message/poster and on the other side just some details about the movie, like cast and crew, where it will be available, when, etc. AHHHH! 

Anyways, here are some concepts I have going for me thus far:

This was the second attempt at a poster (the first had the white text and didn't include the thingies on the bottom). This wasn't even the final version of this poster, as I originally changed the slashes in the date to periods and made it a bit bigger. The reason why the tagline is "You Were Never Here" is for a few reasons. First of all, its a direct line from the Detective character when the Witch asks what is he going to do to her after she admitted her witchcraft curse upon Keith. In fact, its the last spoken word in the film. Another reason is more implicit. This film tackles the bystander effect, and how few people take action when they witness injustice. Even though they were PHYSICALLY there to witness said injustice, they were not actually there, since they did not intervene or do anything to help. As for the red lettering, this is for pure mise-en-scene color psychology, as the red is provocative and gives off horror vibes. All in all, I feel like the poster is quite ambiguous and gauges audience attention, especially with the date on the bottom.

This is a simpler version from the one above. It is much more of a teaser rather than any information-giver on the film. This would probably be the front of the postcard ad, while the back would have more information. This design has literally no text, not even the tagline I chose for this short film. I feel like this could be an effective tool for advertising, as its very provocative and gauges audience curiosity, but I am not 100% sure if many would agree with this strategy and think of it as a cop-out or some form of laziness. Again these are just first drafts, and I still have to come up with a backside (or front if I choose either of these to be the back?). Tomorrow I will be filming and taking pictures with my lead, the Witch. Hopefully, she provides me with some awesome visuals for the postcard. If anything, the unused pictures will go directly to the short film's website!