Friday, March 31, 2017

Filming Day 2

Yesterday, I finally filmed the spell-casting scene with the Witch. It was really stressful because of all the homework I had to do, and we filmed for two hours. The process was very meticulous and I took many of the same shots to be safe, but I also forgot a few things.

Here's the breakdown:
We filmed the excerpt of the Witch browsing the web and looking at the article with about the rapist getting off as not guilty. Click here to see the fake website. She prints out the website and looks at it menacingly. 

We then went down to the garage. I moved there for the rest of the scene because we will be dealing with fire and I didn't want to set off the fire alarm. The Witch got her little black box of witchy wares (filmed these at pretty cool angles), then she sat down and spread out here pentagram cloth and turned it upside down (symbol for Satan). She then places the candles, a bowl, hourglass, other stuff and places the picture of the rapist and says a phrase in Latin (my actress knows Latin, by the way). She burns the bowl, the end.

I'm really sad that I forgot about this one vial prop with fake blood inside. I really wanted to film her pouring it into the bowl. Maybe I'll film it later. The bowl on fire came out very nice, it took a while to burn though, but I'm very glad how it turned out.

Now I just need to film the hallucination scene and the bullying inserts.